Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Let's Get Ready to Rumble.....

By The Political Beauty

Fresh off the heels of a lackluster Presidential Debate, I am sure many are eagerly awaiting the vice Presidential debates set to happen on October 11, 2012.  In the “blue corner” we have Vice President Joe Biden and in the “red corner” we have GOP darling, Congressman Paul Ryan.  While most predict a dogfight, my hope is that Biden serves as a great attack dog and learns from the first Presidential debate.

Delivery trumps truth.  Not saying Biden should lie, simply saying he needs to do what position and color disallows President Obama to do—strongly call out Ryan and hold him accountable for insulting the intellect of voters.  Yes, Romney gave a lively performance—strong on style and completely devoid of truth.  Romney flip flopped throughout his entire performance; yet in a country that often rewards style over substance, he was declared the people’s champ and afforded a temporary bump in the polls.  Let’s hope our seasoned VP Biden takes the much younger Ryan to task and holds him accountable for the policies he has supported—policies that promise to devastate the middle class. 

While many of us were discouraged by the POTUS’ performance (I tend to think it was deliberate), I strongly encourage everyone to vote, vote early if possible, and make sure the sick and shut in get to the polls.  The newly energized right is banking on a complacent left who assumes “President Obama has it in the bag”.  A presumptuous left who thinks, "Americans are not dumb enough to believe Romney’s lies".  A disenchanted left who thinks, “my vote does not matter”.  To not vote is to not have a voice.  Let’s make our voices heard and use our vote to put the final nail in Romney’s political coffin.  We simply cannot afford his presidency.   FORWARD 2012!  

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