Should you be using your fingers, a foundation brush or make-up sponges to apply foundation? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It’s simply a mat
ter of preference. I personally prefer to use my fingers (with my client’s approval) or a foundation brush. Applying foundation with my fingers really allows me to work the foundation in to the skin, as the heat from my fingers really assists me in achieving a smooth application. An added incentive is that your fingers do not absorb product. The same is true when it comes to using foundation brushes. While foundation brushes tend to be dense and hold a good amount of product, they don’t absorb product. Make-up sponges are good for control and I know a lot of artists who prefer sponges. I never really liked sponges because they absorb my product, which results in wasted product = an absolute no-no for me. However, I have been using sponges more often lately because they actually prevent streaking, which is important for HD situations. Therefore, the answer to the question is to use whatever works for you.
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